Google Maps offline on Android

Download of google maps offline on android may become necessary while travelling/camping with limited mobile network, when frequently travelling within same locality/city or better still to save your mobile data plan by downloading from free Wi-fi network ;-).

While Gmaps are used mostly online but saving small area of Google Maps offline will later allow you to travel using Android GPS, without internet connection! While a GPS is not mandatory but without it Cached Google map may not be of much use !

Steps to download google maps offline :

Can Adsense Direct crush Buysellads ?

Google is starting Adsense Direct, another advertising service for Advertiser/Publishers. While presently it is on experimental basis for certain USA Publishers only, but for sure it will start its Adsense Direct under BETA for all major revenue generation countries (Read USA, UK, AUSTRALIA etc.) soon.

While Google Adsense may be high revenue generating service for few websites, for major lot it is just peanuts ! Adsense performed well if your targeted audience is from USA/UK/AUSTRALIA but failed terribly for ASIAN Countries. Even with high traffic the CTR/CPC for certain niche is so low that publishers kept trying other Adsense alternative including .



Both Responsive Ads & Asynchronous Ads by Google were started on July 2013 and are still in BETA Stage. So before I switched to Responsive Google Ads I decided to check few related details.

Asynchronous Ads
Your old Adsense Code were synchronous which now can be switched to asynchronous Ads. So what's this asynchronous thing ! In simple terms, your previous code will slow down the content loading where ever they are placed on webpage. With asynchronous code this is removed and there in minimum latency, e.g. faster page load.

Whatsapp Quiz

Urge to Solve Whatsapp quiz makes my wife go crazy. Hope these Whatsapp Quiz Collection save some hours of your sleep ;-)

Whatsapp have enough emoticons to combine them for creating unlimited puzzles. These days these Whatsapp quiz are getting very popular and people are creating new Questions everyday. While finding the answers are tricky and exciting, they do keep you thinking for hours, even nights thanks to my curious, whatsapp fan wife. Anyways here are some collection of the same with answers included.

PHP Upload Multiple Files

HTML5 and PHP allows multiple files upload using single Input element. Most tutorial for uploading multiple files never deals with Internet Explorer due to its lack for HTML5 support. However, there is a workaround thanks to Raymond Camden.
Adding multiple="multiple" in the file input allows you to select more than one file simply by pressing Ctrl simultaneously, this fails in IE as it does not support HTML5. We can show additional file upload input specially for IE and browsers which does not support "multiple" file uploads using small javascript. I created PHP Upload multiple files demo for this tutorial.