This is in continuation of my previous blog, Applying for US C1/D Visa found at

Questions asked to me during US C1/D Visa

Q1. You have applied for reissue of your Visa ?
Reply : Yes Sir.

Q2. What is your Rank onboard ship ?
A2. Chief Officer.

Q3. Which ship are you joining ?
A3. M.T. XYZ.

Q4. What kind of a ship is that ?
A4. It is a tanker carrying petrol.

Q5. From which port are you joining ?
A5. Port Pascagoula

Q6. That is in Lousiana right ?
A6. Yes Sir

Q7. OK your Visa is granted !!
A7. Thank you

I was not asked many questions, probably because it was third time for re-issue of US C1/D Visa. However there were two cadets also applying and I overheard their questions too. Obviously both were very excited.

Q Same questions as above

Q1 Are you joining for the first time ?

Q2 Why did you join Merchant Navy ?

Q3 What will be your work onboard ?

Q4 What is your stipend onboard ?

Q5 Who will take care of your joining the ship since this is your first time joining ?

There is one thing I would like to stress that C1/D Visa is required for joining/Sign off and Shore leave at US Ports. If one does not have them they can still join/sign off any ship from any port NOT in US. If you are onboard a ship which is going to US and you do not have US C1/D Visa then god help you, You will be jailed in US....OK OK I'm kidding ....relax nothing of this sort will ever happen!! In such a situation you will not be granted shore leave and will not be able to the see the beautiful Country of US (One reason why one of the cadet joined Merchant Navy) ;-). The reason why the Merchant Navy companies stress so much for C1/D visa is simple always keep the options open. Obviously you have an edge of joining anyship at any port if you have all Visa.

Best of luck for your Interview.