Where can I get Yellow Fever Vaccination ?
As told before yellow fever vaccination centre has to be approved by MINISTRY OF HEALTH (Government of India) in order to ensure the quality and safety of the procedures and materials employed. While I mailed both WHO and Ministry of health Department for the details, but both never replied and so I collected the details of all yellow fever vaccination centre in India from the Internet. The Procedures may vary and your reply/experience is always welcome. I am detailing the same as separate comments.
I am specifically avoiding any private centre/doctor details as no private doctor can guarantee whether the Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate issued by them is accepted internationally, while government approved centres can guarantee that ! Please note however that the procedure to get yellow fever vaccination in any government approved centre is quite cumbersome and frustrating. Be patient during the process, its matter of a day in 10 years ! So do carry your headphones and listen to favorite songs during the long tiring que for yellow fever vaccination.
For more details check out : http://www.jahajee.com/Yellow-Fever-and-Yellow-Fever-Vaccination/3974/0.html