Dynamic Positioning Officer and Sea-time Calculation

 This post is in continuation of my previous post DYNAMIC POSITIONING TRAINING & DP COURSES FOR DP OPERATOR

Only watch-keeping sea-time gained on board DP vessels officially classed as DP Vessel by one of the classification societies (Certificate on board) will be counted towards the required sea-time.

Minimum Seatime required for Stage 4 of the Dynamic Positioning Training Scheme
>> DP 1 Vessels only     : 180 days watch-keeping on board DP 1 vessels       =    Limited certificate

>> DP 2 Vessels only     : 180 days watch-keeping on board DP 2 or 3 vessels  =    Full/Unlimited certificate

>> Mixed DP Class vessels : If served on board various DP class vessels and want to obtain a Full/Unlimited certificate then Watch-keeping time must include at least 60 days DP2 or DP 3 time.

For Calculation purpose :
 (a) DP 1 vessels are equal to ½ a day
 (b) DP 2 or 3 vessels are equal to 1 day
eg. If you have 60 DP 2 days then you will need 240 days DP 1 time to qualify for a DP Full/Unlimited certificate.
Sea-time on DP 2 vessels :     60 days     =    60 days (Minimum Sea-time required)
Sea time on DP 1 vessels :     240 days    =     120 days
Total Sea-time for DP Unlimited certificate    =    180 days

Once the Dynamic Positioning training scheme is complete, a testimonial or assessment is provided by the Master of the DP vessel to verify the suitability of the Dynamic Positioning Officer concerned to carry out DP operations and keep a bridge DP watch. It is on the strength of evidence contained within NI logbook that individual DPO certificates are issued by the Nautical Institute. For Stage 4 of the Dynamic Positioning Training Scheme, When the watch-keeping is done on a Class 1 DP vessels , a limited certificate will be issued, otherwise a full / Unlimited DP certificate will be issued. All the 5 stages of the Dynamic Positioning training scheme are witnessed and recorded by entries in a DP Logbook, held by the trainee. All entries to be validated by the Master. The Nautical Institute logbook, dynamic positioning training scheme and certificate are internationally accepted.